Hancock Shaker Village Country Fair

If you have ever been to Hancock Shaker Village you'll know the sense of calm that permeates and the simple straight forward no-nonsense beauty that defines it.  Its no wonder they called it the "City of Peace".  This weekend I had the immense pleasure of spending 2 days in the historic round stone barn at the 20th Annual Hancock Shaker Village Country Fair.  The barn was built built in 1826 to support their dairy industry, housing animals, and grain and facilitating the movement and storage of horse drawn carriages.  The echoes of the past reverberated this weekend as the sheep and goats and donkeys that shared our market space provided background vocalizations.  

bauble vase with queen anne's lace in barn window

bauble vase with queen anne's lace in barn window

The Shakers were sellers too.  Their crafts and herbs and industriousness were well known in the area.  In true Shaker style, this weekend's market place featured many wonderful artisans and sellers.   Two of my favorites were Frances Culley with her hand dipped beeswax candles from Root & Tuber Works and Annie Kennedy's School for Style vintage clothing and accessories.

I think my booth looked kinda sweet too

stephanie boyd works

stephanie boyd works

I also fell in love with taking photos of my work in this space.  I think there might be a trip back there to stage a few more photos.

And then there was the barn and the village and sun!

Thanks for the fun - Hancock Shaker Village. Thanks for purchases and conversations - shoppers.  Thanks for sharing this weekend with me - friends !

heading home

heading home